Monday, September 15, 2008

An Ode to the Net

So in the blurry haze of an unwelcomed sunday night, I looked back on the events of another amazing weekend, downloading songs that served as the backdrops of unforgettable conversations, I realized, once again, that I have no clue how I functioned prior to the phenomenon known as the Internet. Now this may all seem like old news, but as a person that takes almost full advantage of everything the web has to offer, I had to stop for a second and express my endless gratitude to the creators of the internet. From feeling the sudden urge to hear the most random song, to being able to get a photographic glimpse of Ouagadougou (google it), to catching last night's episode of Gossip Girl, to having a web page providing you with an RSS feed to all your favorite sites (Google reader). Sparks once said "If you can't find it on a google search, then it doesn't exist!" The world is literally at our fingertips. Alright just wanted to take a sec to ride the internet's dick, now I'm hopping off it.

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