Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hit me baby one more time!

Just when you thought the Spears family reputation couldn't get any worse, Jaime Lynn comes in to save the day. The 16-year-old Nickalodeon star announced her pregnancy yesterday. We hate to jump on the bandwagon with this piece of info, but the news left us all kinds of confused, and we felt the need to ask a few questions.

Was Jamie trying to steal the attention from Britney "tabloid slut" Spears?

Is there a lack of contraception in the Wonderful World of Spears, and can how can we stop the family from reproducing?

Why didn't Mama Spears pull a Papa Knowles, and force the sucker into marrying Jamie and THEN act surprise when the pregnancy was announced?

Who is the new lucky fellow who will be collecting a child support check?

K-fed, any comments?

Is it wrong that we want to quit our jobs, turn paparazzo and stalk Jamie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they're trash doesn't buy class.