Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Music giant seeks heavenly chanters

Once again the devils behind the corporate music machine, have no limits as to what they will try to capitalize on. This time they are taking on the Gregorian chant genre. Its perfect! They don't even have to try to pull the wool over the artist's eyes, the vow of poverty does that for them. The monks sing, don't get paid shit, and Universal rakes in millions (actually, given the state of the music industry, that's questionable), ITS GENIUS!!! Maybe you guys can team up with Tyra and create another much needed reality show!! Wow, capitalism is the best!!! Hmmm... this could possibly lead to sodomy lawsuits a-plenty in the future...but then again, that's nothing new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck does soymilk have to be involved in this post. I don't approve!